Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CCTV technology (organizational structure and marketing strategies)

CCTV surveillance is recognizable for its advance video recording features such as face recognition, and missing object detection. This technology is most widely used in a variety of stores around the country to monitor company premises and customer behavior. CCTV is supplied by such companies as CPS, CCN and J&S. J&S has been a reliable partner to CCTV surveillance since 1988. The company was first set up in Taiwan but is now opening another office in Hong Kong; showcasing their digital products with the new Jet.com Brand Name. Their geographic move and investment in a new brand name lead the annual turnover of J&S to increase up to 25 million US dollars. The financial growth portrays customer confidence in the brand name and satisfaction with their products. Although the J&S made a lot of changes, they stuck to the organizational structures they have been following since the companies creation. The company environment is one of constant supervision and encouraged improvement. J&S follow Total Quality Management principles; this management system uses "strategy, data, and effective communication" to integrate high-quality performance. The company is run similar to Weber's 4th Ideal Type which focuses deeply on performance monitoring for rational improvement. On the J&S website, they stress the importance of testing their technology and constantly monitoring workforces activity to ensure "state-of-the-art" and reasonably priced products for customer satisfaction. Therefore, like Weber's 4th Ideal type, J&S may keep records of employee or department performance to make decisions on wether to improve company procedures. The organizational chart (meaning more horizontally structured) of the company is located above.

I would also like to quickly touch on CCTV's marketing techniques. I found this video that stresses the importance of customer perceptions. The speaker argues that, in terms of selling a product, companies most assume customer perceptions are realities. What we think dictates how we act and affects what we ultimately buy. Therefore, in order to sell CCTV surveillance, firms must create a reality that appeals to the consumer first and the product second. They indirectly showcase the importance of the 4 P's of marketing (Promotion, Product, Price, Place), which all sell the product around customer perception. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sarrneJhYOU


  1. Wow, What a great informative blog post. The cooperate hierarchy of the company looks pretty top heavy. I fully agree with your assessment that they fall under Weber's 4th principal. I wonder, does the structure of the positions allow for independent work or overlap- and can other principals be applied?

  2. Great post! I like that your graphic illustrated exactly what you were discussing. You also made a valid connection between CCTV and Weber's 4th Ideal type as well as how the 4 P's of marketing played a specific role in selling surveillance.

  3. Hi, I agree this is becoming a great blog on surveillance! I wonder if they use there own technology to monitor and keep track of their employees. The org chart does look top heavy and make me wonder about innovation and the role of the individual. After the tech boom many companies when with a flatter more open structure, like IBM taking down all the walls and doors and having a policy that allowed even a janitor to propose technology changes.

    Also how much has 911 played a role in the selling of surveillance? and are we better off? The fears of society and the fear of a system collapse have made surveillance a reality in our lives.... Do we need to fear! Later in the course we will be reading TRANSPARENT SOCIETY by David Brin (http://www.davidbrin.com/transparent.htm)it might be worth bring this into your blog?

    Surveillance also has the ability to hold the people in power accountable for what they do, think http://wikileaks.org/. The question is is this the type of society we want and who is using and has access to the data that is collected?

  4. Week 3 responses:
    I believe the organization structure at J&S is more horizontal and therefore has some overlapping responsibilities. Again, the business follows close to Weber's 4th Ideal type; repetitive performance monitoring for rational improvement. So, I assume that this kind of business would be willing to structure around any method that makes their company thrive; even if that means mixing or sharing roles. I am not 100% sure if J&S uses their own technology to monitor their employees but its very possible. I think they may get help from their partners with Jet.com, who also use CCTV technology.
    Week 2 responses:
    Relating to my last post, 9/11's effect on America has greatly deepened our dependence on surveillance technology. Companies that provide digital cameras alone rank in the bank by selling millions (estimated average = 60 million) of cameras to the American public and government every year. Its very hard to say if our nation is better off in this surveillance era. The answer to this question will prove to be very diverse because the topic is so subjective. Some people think that fear of collapse is necessary, and therefore surveillance protection eclipses personal privacy. Whereas, much of Americans think quite the opposite. Its difficult to tell who is right, only time will tell us the true answer.
